How to apply joins and get the result?

order_id product_id cust_id
Cust_id product_name cust_name
Order_date product_category cust_address
product_id product_price

  1. What are the names of customers who ordered more than 3 books in the last 3 months?
  2. Which category had the highest sales in the last 60 days?
  3. Which is the most expensive product that has at least 5 sales in the last year?
  1. What are the names of customers who ordered more than 3 books in the last 3 months?

select cust_name from CUST c
inner join ORDERS o
on c.cust_id = o.cust_id
inner join PRODUCTS p
on o.product_id = o.product_id
where p.product_category = 'books'
and Order_date >= DATEADD(MONTH, -3, GETDATE())
having count(*)>3

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Answer is helpful. Will you please post ans to 2 and 3?

sampadkm, this is obviously a school assignment. You will learn more if you wrestle with it yourself for a while instead of being fed complete answers. Then if you post something on which you got stuck, someone may point you in the right direction.

For remaining 2 questions some columns are missing in order to calculate sales such as unit price,discount,quantity. For your reference i can text the sample code as below:

SELECT   productid,  SUM(UnitPrice * (1 - Discount) * Quantity) as TotalSales 
FROM     [Order Details]

This query returns total sales for each product. In order to know which product has more sales you need to write the code as

select top 1 * from(
SELECT productid, SUM(UnitPrice * (1 - Discount) * Quantity) as TotalSales
FROM [Order Details]
order by TotalSales desc

Can we assume highest number of sales (quantity)?


Does this help


  1. Which category had the highest sales in the last 60 days?

Select category, max(sales)
Where somedatecolumn between
Somedatecolumn and dateadd(d,-60, somedatecolumn)
Group by category