Hierarchy - need a tip

Hi guys,
I am struggling with a script to create a custom hierarchy.
Following the logic:

  • I have a table called hierarchy where I have son and parent column like this:

  • I also have a table with sons’ description:

So far, I made a hierarchy in the following SELF JOINs schema and simply adding columns representing another layer. The trick is that the requirement is to create it way differently, in one column where parents follow sons. Like this:
699 (from the above screenshot)
2163 if it has sons put them below
3 – end of hierarchy for this one

Do you have any idea how to handle this?
Maybe some additional data will do so?

Please let me know how instead of multiple unions I can handle this.


Without some consumable data (like I have shown below), it is hard to give a reliable answer. But, something like below where I am using a recursive cte might be what you need. You might also want to investigate hierarchyid

CREATE TABLE #tmp(son INT, parent INT);

--- parent 1
--  children 2, 3
--  grandchildren 2/4, 2/5, 2/6, 3/7, 3/8

INSERT INTO #tmp (son, parent)
(2,1), (3,1),

;WITH cte AS
    SELECT son, parent, SortingId = CAST(RIGHT(CONCAT(REPLICATE('0',10),son),10) AS VARCHAR(1024))
        #tmp tp
        parent IS NULL
    SELECT tp.son, tp.parent,
        AS VARCHAR(1024))
        #tmp tp
        INNER JOIN cte c ON
            c.son = tp.parent
SELECT * from cte ORDER BY cte.SortingId;

@JamesK thank you very much for your input.

Following your logic, I need to flatter the hierarchy so that I have everything in one column. Considering your data I want to have everything in one column like this (based on numbers):

1 - parent
2 - children 1
4 - another layer of child
3 - children 2

This sounds really tricky I am wondering whether I can do it quicker than simply UNION each and every select statement to get it in one column.

Thanks again.

It is a recursive cte.You will not need to write a union for each level. Notice that the code after the UNION ALL construct references the cte - sort of like a self-reference.

Google for recursive cte in SQL Server.

I already used recursive CTE (first screenshot) and I have the relationship in two columns.
I need to flatten it to one column in the following logic:


I have a feeling that I totally do not understand this recursive CTE concept that's why I have tons of questions.

If you have not already done so, copy the code I posted to a query window and run it. You will see it is doing exactly what you are describing. Then change the insert statement to add more levels or children or whatever and in every case it should generate results that show the hierarchy in the desired order.

If it does not, post the example data set and query that someone can copy and run, like I did.

Yeah, I did. I added extra rows, I understand what is happening. I make it happen with the sample data (attached). The thing is how to translate it into one column vertically, not horizontally like I posted above based on your input.

1 - parent
2 - children 1
4 - another layer of child
3 - children 2

47532 Null
50294 Null
2077 Null
2503 Null
730 Null
75 Null
47487 Null
728 Null
2079 Null
50307 Null
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711 Null
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45476 Null
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734 Null
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707 Null
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310121 48698
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1080 120383
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50460 126539
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307118 106091
18804 255598
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227926 124588
18800 255664
110909 44731
243440 212667
243431 212667
243419 212667
272520 268018
272521 268018
156449 2799
100402 46875
51989 46875
52137 46875
119865 46875
154711 46875
306246 46875
283571 16181
31629 22339
22349 22339
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210012 22339
119524 119516
285551 734
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255851 734
135878 734
133734 734
231108 240359
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253183 240359
306039 240359
227844 240359
122150 2798
50835 2798
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102016 2798
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164706 2798
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144306 2798
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265278 2798
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258397 2798
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212667 2798
243990 2798
51258 2798
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223442 2798
235349 2798
52316 2798
256126 2798
96533 2798
119268 2798
105955 2798
155446 2798
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155489 2798
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223440 2798
155492 2798
301258 2798
285416 2798
290708 2798
285136 2798
285437 2798
235371 2798
267010 2798
248811 2798
51228 2798
174867 2798
254304 2798
109883 2798
51230 2798
29086 2798
47666 2798
47700 2798
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20526 2798
20559 2798
2859 2798
2827 2798
2844 2798
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20532 2798
9785 2798
2958 2798
2974 2798
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2895 2798
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2938 2798
47387 21234
21217 21234
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47406 21232
21178 21232
242129 21232
21172 21232
9280 8972
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9308 8978
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9466 8982
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9464 8982
307754 228140
253232 228140
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307700 228140
40263 115535
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40269 115535
240556 115535
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40275 115535
40277 115535
116099 115537
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116227 115537
116214 115537
242123 115537
48683 115537
116231 115537
48692 115537
116229 115537
48688 115537
48698 115537
249391 115537
228057 121682
228042 121682
228036 121682
228033 121682
228051 121682
228054 121682
228039 121682
280511 121682
285522 285520
15199 15190
15194 15190
15196 15190
15192 15190
228133 121696
228136 121696
232973 121698
228099 121698
228096 121698
280522 121698
210014 22339
210016 22339
210018 22339
1016 104260
119507 104260
119516 104260
1019 104260
221205 155460
220911 155460
48537 155460
285559 285541
2275 285541
2286 285541
228091 121694
152194 121694
228084 121694
277258 119657
45428 119657
45424 119657
45432 119657
274629 119657
16929 119657
45430 119657
45426 119657
110800 119657
46016 119657
285556 285551
285553 285551
2271 285551
275453 119678
275584 119678
275585 119678
275586 119678
275587 119678
275588 119678
216227 119678
29016 119678
304922 52092
278617 119690
278601 119690
278575 119690
96111 119690
46279 119690
96109 119690
216238 119690
278541 119690
216240 119690
209467 31629
210026 31629
210027 31629
242359 240556
242093 240556
242355 240556
261316 240556
180504 121838
119482 1016
309868 1016
113299 1015
113304 1015
113309 1015
19026 1015
246659 1015
253021 1015
232711 1019
271184 1025
271204 1025
271198 1025
268021 1025
28103 1025
272494 1025
28111 1025
1028 1025
28113 1025
268018 1025
268975 1025
306409 1025
306412 1025
271172 1025
271174 1025
271179 1025
272509 1028
272510 1028
124117 29704
227827 29704
198925 29704
230821 29704
305029 220191
117103 295987
117153 295987
307991 226356
17885 226356
269696 226356
272012 226356
249967 226356
254430 226356
227732 53256
227733 53256
227731 53256
227747 53259
227740 53259
241233 53259
310744 40974
115535 40974
115537 40974
116239 40974
280802 53266
280801 53266
280799 53266
280800 53266
280803 53266
280804 53266
232743 53275
232769 53275
232759 53275
286228 53275
124588 2078
125234 2078
125256 2078
124581 2078
310514 2078
125068 2078
125085 2078
250293 2078
250295 2078
250291 2078
125099 2078
250342 2078
125100 2078
124260 2078
17901 2078
17908 2078
99309 2078
250273 2078
33702 2084
33731 2084
33724 2084
33735 2084
10282 2093
10280 2093
10278 2093
10276 2093
30396 2093
2238 2090
2223 2090
2209 2090
2243 2090
2231 2090
254432 226356
210035 210010
252978 50294
127093 50294
127084 50294
127091 50294
127080 50294
2482 50294
227836 50301
240359 50301
125228 50301
29704 50301
2482 50301
227661 50309
53256 50309
53259 50309
131498 50309
227759 50309
253393 50307
124123 50307
124139 50307
124151 50307
284471 50307
297606 50307
253394 50307
124153 50307
17955 50307
124125 50307
124141 50307
17970 50307
124127 50307
124137 50307
124135 50307
2482 50307
49780 2082
285564 2275
285563 2275
285565 2275
32830 2275
32913 2275
224914 46279
278624 46279
279263 46279
224867 46279
279255 46279
57950 46279
96656 46279
96106 46279

This is what @JamesK did. The other columns just show you where the order is coming from. If you just want one column just SELECT Son; you will still need to sort by SortingId.