Help with parsing free-form field


I really your need with something. Let's say I have a db field called 'plaintiff' with data like this:


I need to parse out the 'ST OF FL OBO' from the name 'John D Smith'. So far this seems to work:

WHEN (charindex('OBO',plaintiff,1)) > 0 then replace(cast(plaintiff as varchar(100)), 'ST OF FL OBO', '')

Leaving me with the full name. Of that result I need to separate the name into lastname, firstname, and middlename/initial.

I need this structure but not sure how to do it. Your help is greatly appreciated.

--get lastname
WHEN (charindex('OBO',plaintiff,1)) > 0 then replace(cast(plaintiff as varchar(100)), 'ST OF FL OBO', '')

--get firstname
WHEN (charindex('OBO',plaintiff,1)) > 0 then replace(cast(plaintiff as varchar(100)), 'ST OF FL OBO', '')

--get middlename
WHEN (charindex('OBO',plaintiff,1)) > 0 then replace(cast(plaintiff as varchar(100)), 'ST OF FL OBO', '')

Let me make it easier. How can I extract the firstname, middlename, and lastname out of the expression...


Thank you.

With difficulty. The formatting and styles of names are many and varied, more so if you include international names.

John Smith
John D Smith
John de Smith
Mary Ann Smith
John Smith-Jones
John Smith Jones (both double barrelled forms exist in the UK, at least)

Parsing "John Smith Jones" or even "John de Smith" and "Mary Ann Smith", all three-part names, is difficult.

The best that I reckon you could "easily" do is to tackle the easy ones first.

Chop of any recognsiable Prefix and Suffixes that you can - "Mr", "Mrs" etc. off the front and "Junior", "Jnr", "III" etc. off the end. Have a list of Prefixes and Suffixes so that, as you refine the list of "can't process these" you can add more to that list, and re-run the job - each time getting fewer exceptions left at the end.

All 2-part names, for example, are assumed to be First / Last.

Then deal with 3-part names looking at what the middle name is. If it is a single letter then assume that is a middle initial. If it is "de" "van" etc. then its part of the surname.

Perhaps use a table of recognised First Names to try to separate them off the front. But "George" is both and first and a last name here, so that may not be much help.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson!

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... or the First Name ... it depends!!