I would like to get break the details table into three columns based on symbol and details, as shown below. I have been trying to work with pivot without success. Any help would be much appreciated!
--==== Sample data
Declare @dummyTable Table (sym char(3), id varchar(7), details varchar(20));
Insert Into @dummyTable (sym, id, details)
Values ('ABC', '0x00123', 'AAAAAAAAAA')
, ('ABC', '0x00123', 'BBBBBBBBBB')
, ('EFG', '0x00345', 'CCCCCCCCCC')
, ('HIJ', '0x00678', 'DDDDDDDDDD')
, ('XYZ', '0x00900', 'XXXXXXXXXX')
, ('XYZ', '0x00900', 'YYYYYYYYYY')
, ('XYZ', '0x00900', 'ZZZZZZZZZZ');
--==== Solution
With detail_rows
As (
Select dt.sym
, dt.id
, dt.details
, row_num = row_number() over(Partition By dt.sym, dt.id Order By dt.details)
From @dummyTable dt
Select dr.sym
, dr.id
, Detail1 = max(Case When dr.row_num = 1 Then dr.details End)
, Detail2 = max(Case When dr.row_num = 2 Then dr.details End)
, Detail3 = max(Case When dr.row_num = 3 Then dr.details End)
From detail_rows dr
Group By
, dr.id;
The first thing we need to do is add a row number - this is used to 'sort' the details data within each partition so we can then cross-tab the details.
BTW - for future reference see how I provided sample data? If you add that to your posts - you are likely to get a tested and validated answer much quicker than without that data.