Grouping Overlapping Date Ranges

I have some data that needs to be merged when dates overlap before I can run a process. Each record contains a memberID (INT), Value1 (INT), StartDate (Date), EndDate(Date). In any case when dates overlap for a member, I merge these into 1 record, which has the sum of Value1 and adjusted StartDate and EndDate.
MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate
201 4 2015-6-20 2015-6-22
201 2 2015-6-22 2015-6-24

would need to become:
MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate
201 6 2015-6-20 2015-6-24

MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate
201 0 2015-7-15 2015-7-16
201 2 2015-7-18 2015-7-22
201 2 2015-7-21 2015-7-22

should become
MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate
201 0 2015-7-15 2015-7-16
201 4 2015-7-18 2015-7-22

Anyone have any ideas on how I should go about this?

; with data (MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate) as
    select    200, 1, '2015-7-05', '2015-7-10' union all
    select    200, 2, '2015-7-11', '2015-7-12' union all
    select    201, 0, '2015-7-15', '2015-7-16' union all
    select    201, 2, '2015-7-18', '2015-7-22' union all
    select    201, 2, '2015-7-21', '2015-7-22' union all
    select    201, 3, '2015-7-24', '2015-7-28' union all
    select    201, 4, '2015-7-28', '2015-7-31'
cte as
    select    rn = row_number() over (partition by MemberID order by StartDate), *
    from    data
rcte as
    select    rn, MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate,
        grp = 1, grpStart = StartDate, grpEnd = EndDate
    from    cte
    where    rn    = 1

    union all

    select    c.rn, c.MemberID, c.Value1, c.StartDate, c.EndDate,
        grp     = case when c.StartDate between r.grpStart and r.grpEnd
                then r.grp
                else r.grp + 1
        grpStart = r.grpStart,
        grpEnd   = case when c.EndDate > r.grpEnd then c.EndDate else r.grpEnd end
    from    rcte r
        inner join cte c    on    r.MemberID    = c.MemberID
                    and    r.rn        = c.rn - 1
select    MemberID, Value1 = sum(Value1), StartDate = min(grpStart), EndDate = max(grpEnd)
from    rcte
group by MemberID, grp
order by MemberID

This is close. Everything looks like it is working, except it is returning the first StartDate for all records for each member.


; with data (MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate) as
    select    200, 1, '2015-7-05', '2015-7-10' union all
    select    200, 2, '2015-7-11', '2015-7-12' union all
    select    201, 0, '2015-7-15', '2015-7-16' union all
    select    201, 2, '2015-7-18', '2015-7-22' union all
    select    201, 2, '2015-7-21', '2015-7-22' union all
    select    201, 3, '2015-7-24', '2015-7-28' union all
    select    201, 4, '2015-7-28', '2015-7-31'
cte as
    select    rn = row_number() over (partition by MemberID order by StartDate), *
    from    data
rcte as
    select    rn, MemberID, Value1, StartDate, EndDate,
        grp = 1, grpStart = StartDate, grpEnd = EndDate
    from    cte
    where   rn    = 1

    union all

    select  c.rn, c.MemberID, c.Value1, c.StartDate, c.EndDate,
        grp     = case     when c.StartDate between r.grpStart and r.grpEnd
                then r.grp
                else r.grp + 1
        grpStart = case when c.StartDate between r.grpStart and r.grpEnd
                then r.grpStart
                else c.StartDate
        grpEnd   = case when c.EndDate > r.grpEnd then c.EndDate else r.grpEnd end
    from    rcte r
        inner join cte c    on    r.MemberID    = c.MemberID
                    and    r.rn        = c.rn - 1
select    MemberID, Value1 = sum(Value1), StartDate = min(grpStart), EndDate = max(grpEnd)
from    rcte
group by MemberID, grp
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That did it. Thank You!