Get the Total minutes per week n SQL

Hi Everyone,

Need help here :smile:

I have this table :slightly_smiling_face:

Time In Out TotalMins Per WEEK
Monday, January 01, 2018 7:30 16:30
Tuesday, January 02, 2018 7:30 16:30
Wednesday, January 03, 2018 7:30 16:30
Thursday, January 04, 2018 7:30 16:30
Friday, January 05, 2018 8:01 17:01
Monday, January 08, 2018 8:07 17:07
Tuesday, January 09, 2018 8:31 17:30
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 7:52 16:52
Thursday, January 11, 2018 7:52 17:30
Friday, January 12, 2018 8:10 17:10

What I want is to get the total mins per week as shown in my sample.

How I will do this in sql?

Thank you in advance

Please provide:

  • table definition in the form of create table statement
  • sample data in the form of insert statements
  • expected output from the sample data you provide
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, -DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, [Time]) % 7, [Time]) AS Week_Date,
    SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, [In], [Out])) AS Total_Mins
FROM ...
GROUP BY DATEADD(DAY, -DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, [Time]) % 7, [Time])
1 Like


I could not get the week using T-SQL
so i hard coded it for demo purposes!!!!!

please click arrow to the left for DROP CREATE Sample Data
drop table #sampledata 

create table #sampledata
time1 varchar(100),
week1 int, 
In1 time , 
Out1 time 

insert into #sampledata select 'Monday, January 01, 2018',1,	'7:30','16:30'
insert into #sampledata select 'Tuesday, January 02, 2018',1,	'7:30',	'16:30'	
insert into #sampledata select 'Wednesday, January 03, 2018',1,	'7:30',	'16:30'	
insert into #sampledata select 'Thursday, January 04, 2018',1,	'7:30',	'16:30'
insert into #sampledata select 'Friday, January 05, 2018',1,	'8:01',	'17:01'	
insert into #sampledata select 'Monday, January 08, 2018',2,	'8:07',	'17:07'	
insert into #sampledata select 'Tuesday, January 09, 2018',2,	'8:31',	'17:30'	
insert into #sampledata select 'Wednesday, January 10, 2018',2,	'7:52',	'16:52'	
insert into #sampledata select 'Thursday, January 11, 2018',2,	'7:52',	'17:30'
insert into #sampledata select 'Friday, January 12, 2018',2,	'8:10',	'17:10'

select 'sample data ', * from #sampledata


please click arrow to the left for SQL ..
; with cte as 
	  ,datediff(mi,In1,Out1)  as minutes1 
	  ,week1 as or_by 
) , cte_sum_minutes as 
	   ,sum(minutes1) as summin 
	group by 
select  time1,week1,In1 ,Out1,Null  ,or_by from cte 
union all 
select null  ,week1,null,null,summin,1000  from cte_sum_minutes
order by week1,or_by

Great Idea but it got ya, Scott...
Of course, the way the op didn't post the data makes it hard to tell.

Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

@mherz815 ,

First, help us help you in the future... please post readily consumable data instead of just text.

This will do it for you... remove anything that you don't want. Personally, I'd include the minutes for each day but left that out because you did.

   WITH cte AS
,[Minutes] = DATEDIFF(mi,[In],[Out])
   FROM (VALUES --This simulates reading from a table
         ('Monday, January 01, 2018   ','7:30','16:30') 	
        ,('Tuesday, January 02, 2018  ','7:30','16:30') 	
        ,('Wednesday, January 03, 2018','7:30','16:30') 	
        ,('Thursday, January 04, 2018 ','7:30','16:30') 	
        ,('Friday, January 05, 2018   ','8:01','17:01') 	
        ,('Monday, January 08, 2018   ','8:07','17:07') 	
        ,('Tuesday, January 09, 2018  ','8:31','17:30') 	
        ,('Wednesday, January 10, 2018','7:52','16:52') 	
        ,('Thursday, January 11, 2018 ','7:52','17:30') 	
        ,('Friday, January 12, 2018   ','8:10','17:10') 	
 SELECT [Time]  = CASE 
                    WHEN GROUPING(WeekEndingDate)=0 AND GROUPING([Time])=0 THEN [Time] 
                    WHEN GROUPING(WeekEndingDate)=0 AND GROUPING([Time])=1 THEN '*WeekEnding '+CONVERT(CHAR(12),WeekEndingDate,107)
                    ELSE '**All Weeks Total'
        ,[In]   = CASE
                    WHEN GROUPING(WeekEndingDate)=0 AND GROUPING([Time])=0 THEN MAX([IN])
                    ELSE ''
        ,[Out]  = CASE
                    WHEN GROUPING(WeekEndingDate)=0 AND GROUPING([Time])=0 THEN MAX([Out])
                    ELSE ''
        ,[Total Minutes per Week] = 
                    WHEN GROUPING(WeekEndingDate)=0 AND GROUPING([Time])=0 THEN ''
   FROM cte
  GROUP BY WeekEndingDate,[Time] WITH ROLLUP
  ORDER BY  GROUPING(WeekEndingDate), WeekEndingDate

That returns the following including your weekly subtotals and a weekending date and a grand total.

Thank you everyone for your help :smile: