First entry is break out second entry is break in

declare @events table (empcod varchar(6), trans_date date, time_portion varchar(8))
insert @events select '210398', '2023-01-21', '12:20:05'
insert @events select '210398', '2023-01-21', '12:20:07'
insert @events select '210398', '2023-01-21', '12:43:00'
insert @events select '210398', '2023-01-21', '12:43:02'
insert @events select '210398', '2023-01-21', '12:56:01'
insert @events select '210398', '2023-01-21', '12:59:03'
insert @events select '215003', '2023-01-21', '12:37:00'
insert @events select '215003', '2023-01-21', '12:37:02'
insert @events select '220109', '2023-01-21', '12:04:02'
insert @events select '220109', '2023-01-21', '12:04:04'

;with cte as
select empcod, trans_date , time_portion, rn= row_number() over(partition by empcod order by empcod, trans_date, time_portion)
from @events t
where trans_date='2023-01-21'
and time_portion >'12:00:00'
, CTE2
select empcod, trans_date, time_portion, INOUT= case when rn%2 =1 then 'IN' else 'OUT' END
from cte
select empcod
, trans_date
, breakout = case when inout='in' then time_portion end
, breakin = case when inout='out' then time_portion end
from cte2

The result is

empcod trans_date breakout breakin
210398 2023-01-21 12:20:05 NULL
210398 2023-01-21 NULL 12:20:07
210398 2023-01-21 12:43:00 NULL
210398 2023-01-21 NULL 12:43:02
210398 2023-01-21 12:56:01 NULL
210398 2023-01-21 NULL 12:59:03
215003 2023-01-21 12:37:00 NULL
215003 2023-01-21 NULL 12:37:02
220109 2023-01-21 12:04:02 NULL
220109 2023-01-21 NULL 12:04:04

I want the result to be

empcod trans_date breakout breakin
210398 2023-01-21 12:20:05 12:20:07
210398 2023-01-21 12:43:00 12:43:02
210398 2023-01-21 12:56:01 12:59:03
215003 2023-01-21 12:37:00 12:37:02
220109 2023-01-21 12:04:02 12:04:04


hope this helps

; with cte_rn as 
  ( select rank() over( order by empcod, time_portion) as rn,  * from @events ) 
     floor( (rn - 1) / 2)
  ,  empcod
  ,  min(time_portion)as breakout
  ,  max(time_portion)  as breakin
group by 
	 , floor( (rn - 1) / 2)



Just like that!!!

I was sure that I am doing long way and there has to be short and simple query.

Love U.

There is a catch
If we remove the last line of sample data ( A person went for lunch break and did not come back)
, then in the result line no 5 breakin column should be NULL. Currently it is filling with breakout column.


I replaced
, min(time_portion)as breakout
, max(time_portion) as breakin
, max(case when rn%2=1 then time_portion end) as breakout
, max(case when rn%2=0 then time_portion end) as breakin
and it seems to be ok

Just a word of caution...
The title of this post is "First entry is break out second entry is break in". This could lead to some serious issues because there is absolutely nothing in the data that guarantees that.