Hi All,
I am trying to find the average resolution time in hours and minutes for every coder by escalation raised month... An escalation is denoted by a combination of ctextid and vbill...For escalations that are not resolved (denoted by NULL) the average time calculations should not be taken into account for those.. Raised is the datetimestamp when the escalations got raised; Resolved is the datetimestamp when the escalations got resolved.Please find the DDL for the input and output tables...Can you please help me here..
Input table
create table ##input
(ctext int,
vbill int,
raisedby varchar(20),
raised datetime2,
resolved datetime2)
insert into ##input values
('12','431','11/23/2020 0:41','amo77','11/23/2020 11:07'),
('13','432','12/3/2020 6:47','amo77','01/7/2021 9:59'),
('14','433','11/19/2020 5:12','amo66','11/19/2020 6:55'),
('15','434','11/9/2021 6:00','amo66','NULL'),
('16','435','12/24/2020 22:00','amo66','12/25/2020 11:16'),
('17','436','11/24/2020 21:01','amo54','11/25/2020 8:35'),
('18','437','12/2/2020 21:58','amo54','12/3/2020 7:25'),
('19','438','11/26/2020 1:59','amo54','12/26/2020 8:00'),
('20','439','11/24/2020 23:19','amo54','NULL'),
('21','440','12/29/2020 23:32','amo54','01/15/2021 9:02')
Output table
create table ##output
(personraised varchar(20),
numberofescalationspendingtoberesolved int,
numberofescalationsraisedinnov2020 int,
averagetimetaketoresolveescalationsraisedinNov2020 float,
numberofescalationsraisedindec2020 int,
averagetimetakentoresolveescalationsraisedindec2020 float)
insert into ##output values