Find Min Max Values for consecutive Series in a Column

I have a table consists of 3 columns: Time, Tagid, and Intvalue with millions or rows.
I would like to find min and max values of the Intvalue column when the row data of the Intvalue change from hi to low.
How do you write a SQL query to get the following results:

Thanks in advance for your help!

Select Min(Time) as Starttime,Tagid,Min(intvalue) as Intvaluestart,
Max(Time) as Endtime,Tagid,Max(intvalue) as IntvalueEnd from Table
Group By Tagid


i know this topic is from a long time ago !!!

If you are still looking for the answer .. Here it is !!
One Way ..

please click arrow to the left for Drop Create DATA
drop table #data 

create table #data 
[Time]     datetime, 
tagid      int,
intvalue   int 

insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:00:00',353,1 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:00:02',353,21 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:14:07',353,22917 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:21',353,24385 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:22',353,24388 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:23',353,0 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:25',353,3 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:26',353,6 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:27',353,10 

insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:28',353,13 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 0:54:29',353,17 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 2:19:51',353,17117 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:07',353,24324 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:08',353,0 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:11',353,1
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:12',353,3 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:13',353,4 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:14',353,6 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:15',353,7 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:33',353,61 

insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:35',353,67 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:40',353,2
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:42',353,2
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:43',353,6 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:44',353,9 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:45',353,12 
insert into #data select '2/1/2019 3:28:46',353,16 
please click arrow to the left for SQL ..
; with cte as 
	select    row_number() over(order by [time]) as rn
			, case when lead(intvalue) over(order by [time]) < intvalue then 1 else 0 end as grp123 
			, *                         
	from #data 
, grp_cte as 
	select   * ,  1 as grp  from cte where rn  = 1 
		union all 
	select  a.* ,  case when b.grp123 =1 then b.grp+1 else b.grp end from cte  a join grp_Cte b on a.rn = b.rn + 1
select min([time]) as [Start time],min(tagid) as tagid ,min(intvalue) as intvalue , 
       max([time]) as [End   time],max(tagid) as tagid ,max(intvalue) as intvalue 
from grp_cte group by grp 

1 Like

This is excellent! Following up on an unanswered or incompletely answered q is wonderful!

Thanks Scott

I did not get upset over your last response !!!
I also understood what you meant !!!!

I am the sort of guy who is thinking differently !!! thats all
but as always ... when in society group ... i need to watch my manners !!!
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: ...