Find last record in a group within 20 days of current record


For simplicity, I'm going to use the concept of customers and orders.

  • When a new customer makes an order, a new record is created in a orders table, there is a status column that needs to be updated to 'New Order'.
  • When the same customer purchases a second order, another row is created and, as long as the order is made within 30 days of the last order, the status field should be updated to 'Repeat Customer'.
  • if the last order the customer created was over 30 days, then the second row is updated as 'New Order'

Example order
customer Date Status
C1 2018-01-01 New Order
C1 2018-01-05 Repeat Customer (4 days since last order)
C1 2018-01-25 Repeat Customer (15 days since last order)
C1 2018-03-01 New Order (over 30 days since last order is seen as the first row for that customer)

Using SQL I have to update the Status column. To do that I need to evaluate if there is a previous record within 30 days date to update to "Repeat Customer" and if there isn't i need to update the Status as "New Order".

Anyone know the best way to achieve this?
Thanks for any help.


i tried to do this
i hope it helps

i wrote logic to calculate STATUS for all records of the same customer
from the beginning

does this meet your requirement ????

drop create sample data ...

customer   varchar(100) NULL ,  
dateok   date NULL , 

INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C1','2018-01-01'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C1','2018-01-05'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C1','2018-01-25'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C1','2018-03-01'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C2','2018-01-01'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C2','2018-02-05'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C2','2018-02-25'
INSERT INTO data SELECT 'C2','2018-04-01'
; WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT Row_number() 
                    partition BY customer 
                    ORDER BY dateok) AS rn, 
         FROM   data) 
SELECT a.customer, 
         WHEN a.rn = 1 
              AND b.rn IS NULL THEN 'New Order' 
         WHEN Datediff(dd, b.dateok, a.dateok) <= 30 THEN 'Repeat Customer' 
         WHEN Datediff(dd, b.dateok, a.dateok) > 30 THEN 'New Order' 
       END AS statusok 
FROM   cte a 
       LEFT JOIN cte b 
              ON b.rn + 1 = a.rn 
                 AND a.customer = b.customer 
ORDER  BY a.customer 



Spot on harishgg1. This will work for me. Thanks for the help.

This may be a simpler option:

Declare @testData Table (CustomerID char(2), OrderDate date);

 Insert Into @testData (CustomerID, OrderDate)
 Values ('C1', '2018-01-01')
      , ('C1', '2018-01-05')
      , ('C1', '2018-01-25')
      , ('C1', '2018-03-01')
      , ('C2', '2018-01-01')
      , ('C2', '2018-02-05')
      , ('C2', '2018-02-25')
      , ('C2', '2018-04-01');

 Select *
      , PreviousOrderDate = lag(td.OrderDate, 1) over(Partition By td.CustomerID Order By td.OrderDate)
      , CustomerStatus = Case When datediff(day, lag(td.OrderDate, 1, '1900-01-01') 
                                        over(Partition By td.CustomerID Order By td.OrderDate), td.OrderDate) > 30
                              Then 'New Order'
                              Else 'Repeat Customer'
   From @testData       td;

thanks Jeff

Yes its a simpler solution

I am so used to thinking and doing in SQL Server 2008 version


Thanks for this solution Jeff!!