File Name wildcard number at the end

I have folder in which I have a file that get dump every hr into it and I want to figure out how can I ingest the lastest file into my SQL server data dump?
Figure I need to write in a wildcard somewhere and a last modified date to ingest it.

File Name Modified Date
SQL_File -74541445 7/5/2024 7:00AM
SQL_File -78542100 7/5/2024 8:00AM
SQL_File -45212445 7/5/2024 9:00AM

You can use a wild-card like this. You need the LIKE instead of = and % is the wildcard. In below query you will get all [File Name] witch start with SQL_File.

SELECT [File Name]
FROM YourTable 
WHERE [File Name] **LIKE** 'SQL_File%'

To get the latest Modified Date you can do something like this:

SELECT MAX([Modified Date]) AS LastModifiedDate FROM YourTable

If you combine this into 1 query you get something like this:

SELECT [File Name]
FROM YourTable 
WHERE [File Name] **LIKE** 'SQL_File%' AND [Modified Date] = (SELECT MAX([Modified Date]) AS LastModifiedDate FROM YourTable)