Field is invalid

Hi There,

I am trying to add a date field to my table but when I right-click, select all records I get a red squiggly line under the field name and when I hover over it I get the message invalid column name 'MyField' the select query returns the records from the table including the MyField Column.

There are a couple of views that use the same table for a couple of select statements.
Would anyone know why I am getting the invalid field message?

Thanks for the help.

Best Regards,

did you actually add the new field to the table? it does not sound like you folonished adding it

Hi There,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, saved table and refreshed. Field is definitely saved to the table

Thanks for trying to help.

Best Regards,

it just might a symptom a harmless symptom of ssms. i think if you close and reopen ssms it will disappear,

Edit>IntelliSence>Refresh Local Cache
Refreshes IntelliSence metadata cache in SSMS making the red squiggly go away.