Facing issue with subscription - An impersonation error occurred using the security context of the current user

Hi All!

Issue is regarding subscription set up first time on report server. I was never involved for setting up subscription first time.

My detailed issue as below.

We have reporting services 2014 which has service account Domain\ABC. We have created SQL Group SQL_Admin. And DBA has included me as part of SQL_Admin group.
I have created subscription with file delivery option and credential used to access share path os my windows credential domain\xyzz.j
DBA has created folder on Report Server and share that folder to Domain\ABC, SQL_Admin and domain\ramesh.j with full read and write access.
I can also see the share file folder from my machine and manually create the file there. So I have full access on the folder.

When subscription kicked off it is giving me err as
"Failure writing file \ReportServer\ft$\Reports\Enrollment.xlsx : An impersonation error occurred using the security context of the current user."

but when DBA give his credential to access file share that time subscription is working fine.

Please help me out.