Extract only number from string

I have to following sql command to extract only numbers from a string :

update Oesskattings 
    SET alfasorteer1 =   CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('-', blokno) > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(blokno +'-',0, CHARINDEX('-', blokno))
    ELSE SUBSTRING(blokno, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', blokno), LEN(blokno)) 

My problem is when I have a record where blokno is eg 1B (conversion failed where number is followed by character).

How can I improve my code?


Maybe you can make this case statement work for you:

with cte(blokno)
  as (          select '1'
      union all select 'a2'
      union all select '3b'
      union all select 'c4d'
select blokno
          when patindex('%[0-9]%',blokno)>0
          then reverse(substring(reverse(substring(blokno+'ยค'
          else ''
  from cte

Thank you bitsmed. I really appreciate. What worked for me was to delete all non-numeric characters from the string with :

  set alfasorteer1 = substring(blokno, patindex('%[0-9]%', blokno), 1+patindex('%[0-9][^0-9]%', blokno+'x')-patindex('%[0-9]%', blokno))

Thank you once again.