Extract date and rig part from a datasource field

I want output like this. I want to extract date part and rig part in two different column.

DATASOURCE MatchPlodDate MatchRigNo
Setos Zradow plod 01-10-21 Rig 1 DS and NS.xlsm 01-10-21 Rig 1
ZNOZ PN plod 01-2-22 Rig 6 DS and NS.xlsm 01-2-22 Rig 6
Xlenuteq plod 1-11-21 Rig 2 DS and NS.xlsm 1-11-21 Rig 2
FdinSetals plod 1-1-22 Rig 3 DS and NS.xlsm 1-1-22 Rig 3
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #aaa_Test_hours;
	CREATE TABLE #aaa_Test_hours (
		[DataSource] VARCHAR(500) NULL

INSERT INTO #aaa_Test_hours
	'Setos Zradow plod 01-10-21 Rig 1 DS and NS.xlsm'
	'ZNOZ PN plod 01-2-22 Rig 6 DS and NS.xlsm'
	'Xlenuteq plod 1-11-21 Rig 2 DS and NS.xlsm'
	'FdinSetals plod 1-1-22 Rig 3 DS and NS.xlsm'

	SELECT  DATASOURCE,SUBSTRING(DataSource, CHARINDEX('plod',DataSource) + LEN('plod')+1, 8) as [MatchPlodDate]
	,LEFT(DATASOURCE,CHARINDEX('DS',DataSource)-1) as [MatchRigNo]
	FROM  #aaa_Test_hours

Currently my output is coming like this, which is not correct. I don't know how I fixed my SQL code.

DATASOURCE MatchPlodDate MatchRigNo
Setos Zradow plod 01-10-21 Rig 1 DS and NS.xlsm 01-10-21 Setos Zradow plod 01-10-21 Rig 1
ZNOZ PN plod 01-2-22 Rig 6 DS and NS.xlsm 01-2-22 ZNOZ PN plod 01-2-22 Rig 6
Xlenuteq plod 1-11-21 Rig 2 DS and NS.xlsm 1-11-21 Xlenuteq plod 1-11-21 Rig 2
FdinSetals plod 1-1-22 Rig 3 DS and NS.xlsm 1-1-22 R FdinSetals plod 1-1-22 Rig 3

any help what i am doing wring in my SQL code???

SELECT H.DataSource
		SUBSTRING(H.DataSource, X.plod, 
				CHARINDEX(' ', H.DataSource, X.plod) - X.plod
		, 1) AS Plod
		SUBSTRING(H.DataSource, X.rig,
				CHARINDEX(' ', H.DataSource, X.rig) - X.rig
	AS int) AS Rig
FROM #aaa_Test_hours H
			CHARINDEX('plod', H.DataSource) + 5
			,CHARINDEX('Rig', H.DataSource) + 4
	) X (plod, rig);

@shantanu97 - Thank you for the readily consumable data you posted. It makes life a whole lot easier for those that try to help.

Here's a slightly different solution that will tolerate extra spaces, which is a common problem in such data. Here's the test data... note line 4....

   DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #aaa_Test_hours
 CREATE TABLE #aaa_Test_hours
		 [DataSource] VARCHAR(500) NULL
 INSERT INTO #aaa_Test_hours
 VALUES  ('Setos Zradow plod 01-10-21 Rig 1 DS and NS.xlsm')
        ,('ZNOZ PN plod 01-2-22 Rig 6 DS and NS.xlsm')
        ,('Xlenuteq plod 1-11-21 Rig 2 DS and NS.xlsm')
        ,('FdinSetals plod  1-1-22  Rig  3  DS and NS.xlsm') --Extra spaces present

@Ifor's code is good and efficient code because of the nice, simple, integer math he used but, with the test data above, notice the "silent failures" that occur in line 4 of the result below.

Here's a solution that will tolerate the extra spaces without the "silent failures"...

 SELECT  h.DataSource
        ,Plod = CONVERT(DATE,SUBSTRING(x.Plod,1,PATINDEX('%[0-9] %',x.Plod)))
        ,Rig  = CONVERT(INT ,SUBSTRING(x.Rig ,1,PATINDEX('%[0-9] %',x.Rig )))
   FROM #aaa_Test_hours h
        ,SUBSTRING(h.DataSource,CHARINDEX('Rig' ,h.DataSource)+4,500)
	    ) x (Plod, Rig)


Of course, with such "string data", it would be a good idea to run the output into a "staging table" to check for date ranges as well as playing the Rig number against a lookup table to ensure that no one phat-phingered the Rig number.


SELECT DataSource,
                             SUBSTRING(DataSource, CHARINDEX('plod', DataSource) + LEN('plod') + 1, 8),
                             ' ',
                             REPLICATE(' ', 50)
                         ), 50)
            ) AS [MatchPlodDate],
                          LEFT(DataSource, CHARINDEX('DS', DataSource) - 1),
                          CHARINDEX('rig', DataSource),
            ) AS [MatchRigNo]
FROM #aaa_Test_hours;

Hope this helps

just exercising my noodles trying to think of a different way
stats of myself for myself

      replace(replace(replace(datasource,'plod','plod$'),'Rig','$Rig'),'DS','$DS') as String 
     #aaa_Test_hours ) a