Error returning value from dynamic sql

I have the following piece of code that intends to return a value from a dynamics sql:

@ReturnValue NUMERIC(12, 2)

SET @SQLStatement = 'select @ReturnValue = 1864.87'
SET @ReturnValue = 0.00

EXEC Sp_executesql
N'@ReturnValue NUMERIC(12, 2) OUTPUT',
@ReturnValue = OUTPUT

PRINT @ReturnValue

when i run it, i receive the following error message:

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 0
Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.

but if I run the sql statement directly, it runs fine:

select @ReturnValue = 1864.87

PRINT @ReturnValue


I have tried changing the type of the output variable to nvarchar and even to sql_variant but I don´t get any returned value.

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance for any help.


either you specify the parameter explicitly

EXEC sp_executesql
      N'@ReturnValue NUMERIC(12, 2) OUTPUT',
      @ReturnValue = @ReturnValue OUTPUT

OR without the equal sign =

EXEC sp_executesql
      N'@ReturnValue NUMERIC(12, 2) OUTPUT',
      @ReturnValue OUTPUT
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Thanks a lot for your response. It worked !!! :yum: