Error converting data type varchar to datetime in Stored Procedure

Hi Experts ,
I am facing a issue error message converting data type varchar to datetime while inserting the data via stored procedure, If i directly passed the dates below area it works insert the data into tables ,
EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc1] '1-NOV-2021' ,'30-NOV-2021'
but when i try to use ```
EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc1] '@StartDate' ,'@EndDate'

Getting error message
    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Db.[dbo].[StoredProc1], Line 0 [Batch Start Line 122]
    Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Db.[dbo].[StoredProc2], Line 0 [Batch Start Line 122]
    Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
 Create or alter Procedure SP_InsertInto_Tables
	--																@StartDate datetime output,
	--																@EndDate datetime output
 ----@StartDate DATETIME,
 ----@EndDate DATETIME

SET @StartDate = dateadd(month,0+datediff(month,0,'1-Nov-2021'),0)  
SET @EndDate =  dateadd(month,1+datediff(month,0,getdate()),-1) 
INSERT INTO [Codelist].[dbo].[Table1]
--EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc1] '1-NOV-2021' ,'30-NOV-2021'
EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc1] '@StartDate' ,'@EndDate'

INSERT INTO [Codelist].[dbo].[Table2]
--EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc2]  '1-NOV-2021' ,'30-NOV-2021
EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc2]  '@StartDate' ,'@EndDate'


You don't put the parameters in quotes. Remove the single quotes from around the parameters.

EXEC Db.[dbo].[StoredProc2] @StartDate , @EndDate

When you use variables for the parameters you don't put them in quotes, you just use the parameters and the correct way will be interpreted by the engine.


Thank you ! Working :relaxed: