Emails not being sent from stored procedure results


We upgraded our database server from windows server 2008 r2 sp1 to windows server 2012 r2.
I tested stored procedure is sending emails or not and it was sending.
After that we did windows update.

we were sending result of our stored procedure every morning.

Now Next morning no one gets email.

We are using below stored procedure to send a stored procedure result.

EXEC CUS_sp_CreateNotificationSingleRecipient @FROM, @TO, 'EXTERNALEMAIL', @SUBJ, @MESSAGE, 'html','Y'

Do you have any idea about this issue?

DBMail is setup fine. I get test email from that. If we really needs for this procedure.

Do you know any troubleshooting task that I have to follow to solve this issue?

Do you ever had this kind of situation before?

If you know solution of this situation that would be great.


Try checking your 'View Database Mail Log'

I already did.didnt find any wrong