Do not include in select list when

I have this select statement that gives me a list of students enrolled in a section. I have another select statement that gives me a list of students who are family reps for the school. All siblings at the school have a family_id. What I want to do is that if sibling1 in a section has another sibling (sibling2) who is the family rep, sibling 1 should not be included/removed from the section list.

I don't know how to write the sql query for this do not include/remove logic. What should I use? It cannot be union.


could you please provide sample data as follows?

create table #students(studentid int, studentname varchar(150), isFamilyRep bit , family_id int)

insert #students
select 1, 'Luke Skywalker', 0, 1  union
select 2, 'Darth Vader', 1, 1 union
select 3, 'Han Solo', 1, 2 union
select 4, 'Cheewee Bakah', 0,2

select * From #students

drop table #students