Display availability group shared network location

I want to see what the shared network location is for an AG.

Is there a dmv or table that has that?

Trying to bump this since no response so far (and I still don't know the answer!)


I have some experience of setting up AG's, when you mention the shared network location, do you mean the folder location that is used in the initial setting up of a new Availability Group (or adding a new DB to an existing AG)?

Yes, and where the log files are copied to update the replicas

Ok, I hope I have this right, using AG's is different to Log Shipping, it is actually an enhanced method of mirroring. Unlike Log Shipping (where you set up a log backup, copy it and then restore it) AG's write data changes to the secondary databases over a dedicated port. This does give you the advantage of not having to worry about managing a lot of transaction log backup files and separate agent jobs.

As for the shared network location, I assume that it is pulled from the backupmediafamily table in the MSDB database as it would be logged in there as part of the complete record of all the backups made.

I am not sure whether this is going to be much help, but I can do some further research if that would be useful.

Thanks! That does help!!

I'm curious if or where you find this. I wonder if it's only part of the wizard and not the AG itself. In that case it may be in the registry.

It is part of the wizard and not a part of the AG setup - it can be found here:

HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Client\CreateAGWizard

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