Discourse Annoyances

@graz Any chance we could do something about this? Its always pissed me off ... but I just wanted to let you know that a) its still pissing me off :slight_smile: and b) I'm still expecting you to wave a magic wand to make it go away :smile:

Dealing with a post like this one, which due to no-[CODE]-block and the way that Mark-Down latches onto any character in the normal flow of text that looks like it might be a formatting clue, royally screws up the post.

I see folk, much more kindly than me!, saying "Please use PoorSQL.com to format and use Control-K" but I haven't got the energy ... most people are posting once ... and their code probably doesn't need PoorSQL.com, its probably already reasonably indented, just that something somewhere between Mr Mark Down and Sir Tim Berners Lee is throwing all the good TABBing away :frowning:

On SQLCentral etc. I very rarely see code that is NOT formatted - not sure why that is? Same ignorant newbies posting questions there for sure ...

Here's an idea for a Cool Cat to write in JavaScript:

If thread contains SELECT, FROM and WHERE and does not contain either

    ``` or [CODE]

(I suppose it would also need to check for the stupid 4-space-thing) then pop up a message warning the user to use the [</>] button to format their code or Graz's Wrath will descend on them (of course the message needs a word that rhymes with Graz, "Wrath" won't do at all, but as you know I'm a Byslexic Dastard, so that's someone else's job to come up with the right phrase :slight_smile: )

Right then ... "Ready, Steady, Code" :slight_smile: