It will give me only rows where Na_YesNo is false, say 10 rows
@Na_YesNo bit =1
It will give me only rows where Na_YesNo is true, say 15 rows
@Na_YesNo bit =null
Just gives me no row at all.
What I want to achieve is that when no parameter is passed down to @Na_YesNo the select statement to retrieve all rows therefore, I am expecting 25 rows
I am not sure this is going to work. See at the following sample I am expecting when executing the 3rd time my below to return 4 and it returns 0
( Id int, Name char(30), YesNo bit )
INSERT INTO #temp (Id, Name,YesNo)
Select 1, 'a', 0
INSERT INTO #temp (Id, Name,YesNo)
Select 2, 'b', 0
INSERT INTO #temp (Id, Name,YesNo)
Select 3, 'c', 1
INSERT INTO #temp (Id, Name,YesNo)
Select 4, 'd', 0
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[#sp_tblMySp_sel]
@YesNo bit = null
declare @iCount int
Select @iCount=count(Id)
From #temp
where (YesNo=@YesNo or @YesNo=null)
print @iCount
#sp_tblMySp_sel 1
#sp_tblMySp_sel 0
drop table #temp
drop procedure #sp_tblMySp_sel
My data do not have record with null values and it is never going to happen. The idea of my stored procedure is to retrieve records either true or false when the parameter is specified or all if no parameter is specified.