Default customer invoice format

Hi, I am newbies in SQL accounting software. Would like to know whether is the default customer invoice format could be modified or adjusted when I want to create and key in a new invoice?

What is the name of the "SQL accounting software" package that you're using?

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i just bought it and installed last week and still noon now. may i know how to check the name?

Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 22:42, Jeff wrote:
| | JeffModen
August 7 |

What is the name of the "SQL accounting software" package that you're using?

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If it works on Windows, you can normally fire up the software and it will have a "splash" screen that tells you. If not, once you have it fired up, you should be able to click on "Help" in the menu and then click on something like "About".

Speaking of "Help", once you have the software fired up and if it operates under Windows, you should be able to either press the "f1" key or click on "Help" to be able to research the answers to your questions. Once you figure out the name of the software you bought, you might also be able to find a forum for the software to get more help. This particular forum is going to be no good to you for your questions.

To be honest, I think you're in deep Kimchee here. You bought an accounting package and you don't even know the name of the software nor does it seem that you have the basic Windows skills to find out. You should contact whomever you bought the software from and ask them for more help or how to get more help.

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Yeah, I am new to Windows as well. All these while, I use Macbook. I sought help from the dealer whom i bought the software from, only gave me one link to youtube ask me go find out myself. So, I have been trying to seek more resources. Thank for your advise and guidance=)Really appreciate it. Will try it out.

If you bought the software from a dealer and he gave you a link for YouTube, then you know the name of the software you bought. Look at your receipt and see what software you paid for. If it doesn't say, maybe post the YouTube link and one of us might be able to figure it out and help a bit more.