Creating a data entry form


I'm a newbie to SQL. I created a database with tables and added data using queries. I would like to try and create a data entry form that will send updates to my tables after each entry. I read something about InfoPath but I believe Microsoft will no longer support InfoPath.

Is it possible to create something like this using Excel?
Thank You ~ JD


Will this be an app used by many people eventually?

Hi, Yosiasz

No more than 10 people.

Thank you

I would encourage you to learn web development such as angular or react with SQL server back end.

Ping me directly for free resources

I was just looking up Visual Studio. Is this an option? If not, I will ping you for the free resources. Thank you for your quick responses.

Try visual studio code, free amazing ide

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Thank you, I just sent you a message.

again thanks for the quick reply.