Create pivot table

I have a logger table with timestamp,tagname and tagvalue fields.
Every time tag value changes, the control system writes record to the table with those 3 parameters.
I want to run a pivot table query to get all data for 3 different tags to show the values of those 3 tags,
When I run the query below, I get in return a dataset with all timestamp records in the table and lots of null values in the value fields(the SQL returns me all timestamp values).
I use the query:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT [timestamp],[_VAL] AS '_VAL',[point_id] FROM DATA_LOG) p PIVOT(SUM([_VAL]) FOR point_id in ([GG02.PV_CURNT],[GG02.PV_JACKT],[GG02.PV_SPEED],[GG02.PV_TEMP])) as tagvalue ORDER BY timestamp ASC
Please anybody can help me how to limit the timestamp that SQL returns me only for timestamp relevant to those 3 tags and not all timestamp values in the table?

Please post Create table statements for the tables involved and insert statements with sample data and the output you want.

what is the data type of point_id

  FROM (
SELECT [timestamp],[_VAL] AS '_VAL',[point_id] FROM DATA_LOG
where point_id in (
) p PIVOT(SUM([_VAL]) FOR point_id in (
) as tagvalue ORDER BY timestamp ASC