I have 3 tables to join
1st Table: NodesData
2nd Table: Interfaces
3rd Table: Volumes
NodesData looks like this
NodeID InterfaceID InterfaceName
1 642 GigabitEthernet0/0
1 643 Port-channel1
2 8 GigabitEthernet0/0
NodeID VolumeID VolumeName
5 1 C:\ Label: 8191319
5 2 Virtual Memory
5 3 Physical Memory
7 4 C:\ Label:OS 8191319
Output would be like. Bi
NodesData.NodeID NodesData.Caption COUNT(Interfaces.InterfaceID) COUNT (Volumes.VolumeID)
1 bas-2821-1-aus 5 2
How I can achieve this?
Thanks in Advance