Converting a WID to SQl Server 2012 Enterprise Edition on another server

I have a Windows Admin running ADFS on an app server connecting to a WID on the same app server. He wants me to first install SQL Server Express on this app server, attach the WID database and then back it up, move it to a 64 bit server with SQl Server Enterprise 2012 and restore it so he can change the connection strings on the app server to point to the new upgraded server. Can this be done?

OK, I'll bite, what's a WID? I found:

WID Width
WID Widow(er)
WID Women In Development
WID World Institute on Disability
WID Writing in the Disciplines (academia)
WID What It Do?
WID Women In Defense
WID When It's Done
WID Waste Incineration Directive (European legislation)
WID Women and International Development
WID Wireless Information Device
WID Women in Distress of Broward County, Inc. (Florida)
WID Watershed Improvement District
WID Westbank Irrigation District (Canada)
WID Works-In-A-Drawer
WID West Indian Dialect
WID Weekly Intelligence Digest
WID Web Information Directory (Xerox)
WID Work Instruction Document

I wasn't aware either :slight_smile:

Sorry, Its a Windows Internal Database;)