Hi All
I'm trying to pull data from couple of tables using a inner join. I have to use substring to get the request id part from a varchar field and then use convert function to convert to int
Below is my query and have been getting an error
SELECT RR.Requestid,RR.Rdate,RR.EDate ,REL.Requestid,Convert(INT,substring(REL.Itext,30,6))
from report_request RR inner join request_event_log REL
on RR.Requestid = Convert(INT,substring(REL.Itext,30,6))
Where REL.EVentTypeid = 50
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'm28324' to data type int.
The same convert works ok in the below Query
SELECT Requestid,Convert(INT,substring(Itext,30,6)) as OrigRequestid from requesteventlog where requestid = 560813
and eventtypeid =50
SELECT RR.Requestid,RR.Rdate,RR.EDate ,REL.Requestid,Convert(INT,substring(REL.Itext,30,6))
from report_request RR inner join request_event_log REL
on 1 = case when substring(REL.Itext,30,6) LIKE '%[^0-9]%' then 0 --not digits only, ignore
when RR.Requestid = Convert(INT,substring(REL.Itext,30,6)) then 1
else 0 end
Where REL.EVentTypeid = 50
The problem with that method is that you can't control the order of operations, and thus SQL might do the join before it applies the WHERE. Not likely, but possible. A CASE statement is always evaluated in order, so there's no chance of a conversion error.
If it were me I would want to add an INT column to [request_event_log] so that I could join on that. Much more efficient, performance-wise, than a CONVERT etc. and with none of the issues of "sometimes its a number, sometimes not" - only populate the column on rows where the sub-data is numeric.
Yes, you are probably right. Perhaps an option to create a VIEW instead. Won't help with performance (unless the O/P is allowed to index the view) but would encapsulate the logic for reuse in other places ...
Just in case not obvious to the O/P this sort of work-around syntax is going to have bad performance compared to having the numeric part of request_event_log.Itext available in its own column (or computed column), and of the correct INT datatype.
Being able too INDEX "part" of a column would help ...
I had to make some changes to the query and performance of the query is really slow. Can I please have some help to make it faster
select RR.requestid,Rdate,RR.ctname,(select FName+''+LName from contact where Cid = rr.requestor) as requestor,
Edate,Cexpiration,(select requestid from request_event_log where eventtypeid = 50 and RR.requestid = Convert(INT, substring(Itext, 30, 6))) as draftid,
(select top(1) eventtypeid from request_event_log where requestid = (select requestid from request_event_log where eventtypeid = 50 and Convert(INT, substring(Itext, 30, 6)) = rr.requestid) and eventtypeid in(10,15,20,50) order by Edatetime desc) as drafstatusid,
(select Count(Cid) from contact where Cid = RR.requestor and Memail is not null) as avilableincompany from report_request RR
where RR.Rfrequency = 'Recurring'
and rr.Edate between '1/1/2016' and '1/31/2016'
No idea if this code will work as no sample Table / Data provided with which to test it.
Hopefully runs faster than what you have, but whilst you have the SUBSTRING in your JOINs it will still run like a dog (compared to if you make that available in its own column / computed-column
I assume you have Indexes on the appropriate columns in the JOINs, and "covering" the ORDER BY Edatetime DESC
SELECT RR.requestid,Rdate,RR.ctname,
COALESCE(C.FName+' ', '')+COALESCE(C.LName, '') as requestor,
REL.requestid as draftid,
REL2.eventtypeid as drafstatusid,
FROM report_request AS RR
ON Cid = RR.requestor
LEFT OUTER JOIN request_event_log AS REL
ON REL.eventtypeid = 50
-- This needs the CASE workaround if any SUBSTRINGs will NOT be valid numerics
AND Convert(INT, substring(REL.Itext, 30, 6)) = RR.requestid
SELECT TOP 1 REL3.eventtypeid
FROM request_event_log AS REL3
WHERE REL3.eventtypeid = 50 -- <<<< SORT THIS DUP OUT!!
AND REL3.eventtypeid in(10,15,20,50)
-- This needs the CASE workaround if any SUBSTRINGs will NOT be valid numerics
AND Convert(INT, substring(REL3.Itext, 30, 6)) = RR.requestid
FROM contact
WHERE Cid = RR.requestor
where RR.Rfrequency = 'Recurring'
-- Do NOT use ambiguous "m/d/y" date strings
-- nor BETWEEN (in case the Date includes a Time)
and RR.Edate >= '20160101'
and RR.Edate < '20160201'
Thank You Much . It is slow but lot better
Mine took 2.14 Minutes Yours in 44 seconds
Long term we would have it pull from a field in the database instead of having to convert
I would be inclined to create some indexes, with temporary names so they are easy to DROP, and see if that helps (e.g. on a Test Server). If it does I would then figure out which of the indexes was actually used / made a difference and then could request that they were formally adopted (if you have a procedure like that)
If you've got that lot on a test server stuff a Computed Column into [request_event_log] to store the INT value of substring(Itext, 30, 6) and use that column's name in the index instead of [Itext]