CASE WHEN (day(InstlStartDate)>28 AND month(InstlStartDate)=02 AND (CAST(year(InstlStartDate) AS INT)/4)<>0)
THEN convert(datetime,(day(isnull(InstlStartDate,'01-01-1950')-1)+'-'+substring(DATENAME(month,isnull(InstlStartDate,'01-01-1950')),1,3)+'-'+year(getdate())),103)
convert(datetime,(day(isnull(InstlStartDate,'01-01-1950'))+'-'+substring(DATENAME(month,isnull(InstlStartDate,'01-01-1950')),1,3)+'-'+year(getdate())) ,103)
END hrk,
InstlAmt, InstlIntComp,
rank() OVER (PARTITION BY LBrCode,PrdAcctId ORDER BY EffFromDate DESC) rnk
FROM llimit WHERE EffFromDate<=getdate()
) x WHERE rnk=1
but getting error as captioned
The trouble is in the column which starts with the CASE expression. Couple of observations:
The case expression seems to be unnecessary. In the WHEN part of it, you are checking whether the day is 29 or greater of February in a non-leap year.
In the else part you appear to be trying to convert InstlStartDate to the dd/mm/yyyy format. If that is the case, you can do it more succinctly as CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), COALESCE(InstlStartDate,'19500101'),103)
So my recommendation would be to remove the entire case expression for column hrk and replace it with the above, so the query becomes something like shown below:
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), COALESCE(InstlStartDate,'19500101'),103) as hrk,
Usually it is customary (at least for me) to use 19000101 instead of 19500101 for default dates.