Connection Error

Though I have installed Integration Services on 2012 Installation I could not get perhaps very basic Error.

Connecting to the Integration Services service on this computer 'xxxxxxx' failed with the following error "Access is Denied'.

This is on Stand Alone Machine.


Hi @pdset,

Right click and run SSMS as an Administrator.

Hope it will helps.


Thanks Jai, I have tried connecting using the Server/InstanceName in the Login for COnnect to Server Window but still not working.

Any finer tips Further.

Try this:

Thanks All for your Support I will try now,

Check the admin rights on installed SQL Server

1. Close your SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

2. Open SSMS by right clicking Run as Administrator and then try to login to Integration Services.

If it doesn't work then double check if your account has admin rights on installed SQL Server.