Compare datasets then color code result (indicator)

I created 2 SSRS datasets in my report

Dataset 1

Year - Counts - Indicator
2015 - 20
2016 - 8
2017 - 6

Dataset 2
Year - Counts
2015 - 20
2016 - 5
2017 - 4

What i would like to to is to add a indicator that compares the counts from each year in both datasets to see if the counts match and color code it GREEN = MATCH RED = NO MATCH. The indicator will be on Dataset 1

Dataset 1 expected result

Year - Counts - Indicator
2015 - 20 - green (match 2015 counts on dataset 2)
2016 - 8 - red (it does not match the 2016 count on dataset 2)
2017 - 6 - red (does not match Dataset 2)

How would i achieve this

Use a Lookup from DataSet1 to DataSet2 to return the value you want to compare in an expression.