Column with XML to fields

I have a SQL server database with some data fields that have XML formatted data in the field and I want to export this to a new table or view with the XML data into columns...

Table Name: MyHistory
Field Names: AccountNo, Allergies
Example of data in field XML Field (Allergies):

How can I use SQL to take the data above and get a Database with these columns?

AccountNo, Allergy, Reaction, Onset

please post xml as text and not as picture. we dont have technology to extract from pix yet :wink:

I tried and it seems to trim all the formatting - FIgured it out :slight_smile:

<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>celebrex, ceftin</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>

AccountNo nowhere to be seen? do you have xml allergies? :wink:

DECLARE @contagion xml;
DECLARE @strCar varchar(max);
SET @contagion =
      <Allergy>celebrex, ceftin</Allergy>
      <ID />
      <NDCIDs />
      <RxNorm />
      <GroupID />
      <Reaction />
      <OnsetDate />
      <Status />


Exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @contagion

FROM OPENXML (@hdoc,'/grdAllergies/Row',2)
      Allergy VARCHAR(100),
	  Reaction VARCHAR(100),
	  OnsetDate datetime

Thank you, sorry about the missing AccountNo... :slight_smile:

If I have a table with thousands of records with AccountNo and Different Allergy details, can I pull from that table to create a new one?

|66914|<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>celebrex, ceftin</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>|
|15688|<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>Vitamin C</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>|

yes you can please provide the data as sample like this

create table #Chimera(AccountNo int, Allergies xml)
insert into  #Chimera
select 66914, <grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>celebrex, ceftin</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>

and provide all of the sample data.

Sorry, I am not following what you need exactly... I already have the database with the two fields and the data in the fields, I am just trying to take that data and parse it from the XML to fields

yes but if you want us to help you, you have to provide us sample data. that way you get faster answer. otherwise I have to create the sample data for you because I do not have remote access to your database.

like this

create table #Chimera(AccountNo int, Allergies xml)

insert into  #Chimera
select 66914,'<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>celebrex, ceftin</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>' union
select 54556,'<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>Ibuprofin</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>' union
select 15688,'<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>Vitamin C</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>' union
select 45684,'<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>Penacillan</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>' union
select 45881,'<grdAllergies><Row><Allergy>Celebrex</Allergy><ID></ID><NDCIDs></NDCIDs><RxNorm></RxNorm><GroupID></GroupID><Reaction></Reaction><OnsetDate></OnsetDate><Status></Status></Row></grdAllergies>' 

select AccountNo, 
       Allergies.value('(//*[local-name()="Allergy"])[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')  as Allergy,
       Allergies.value('(//*[local-name()="Reaction"])[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')  as Reaction,
	   case Allergies.value('(//*[local-name()="OnsetDate"])[1]', 'datetime')
	      when  '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' then null
		  else Allergies.value('(//*[local-name()="OnsetDate"])[1]', 'datetime')
	   end OnsetDate 
  From #Chimera

drop table #Chimera

I am so sorry, got interrupted with a phone call.. I see, let me see if I can make that work! THANK YOU!!