Chunking based on summation of column values


I have a table which looks like:
Id, Col1, Col2
1, X, 200
2, Y, 300
3, Z, 500
4, A, 150
5, B, 450

I want to achieve grouping/chunking based on a passed value and the sum of values equal or less than in col2 across rows.
For ex: if pass value is 600 the chunking should be like below:
Id, Col1, Col2, chunk
1, X, 200, 1
2, Y, 300, 1
3, Z, 500, 2
4, A, 150, 3
5, B, 450, 3

create table #test
id int,
col1 varchar(20),
col2 int
insert into #test(id, col1, col2)
(1, 'X', 200),
(2, 'Y', 300),
(3, 'Z', 500),
(4, 'A', 150),
(5, 'B', 450)

SUM(col2) Over (Order by id) as runningTotal,
SUM(col2) Over (Order by id) % 600 AS remaining,
(SUM(col2) Over (Order by id) / 600) + 1 AS chunck
FROM #test