I am havign trouble to get around the syntax error with alias names.
select case when exists(select * from x where isComp = 'Y')
then select "1"
select "0" as accntId
From A
cross apply (select isComp from dbo.Fn_GetComp(a.id) as x)
where a.id > 100.
it throws error x is not defined at select clause; can u pls help me with it?
select case when exists(select * from x where isComp = 'Y')
then select "1"
select "0"
end as accntId
From A
cross apply (
select isComp from dbo.Fn_GetComp(a.id)
) as x
where a.id > 100
Exactly I have the same that you mentioned but still ti says "invalid object name 'x'"
Presumably you have no table / view X. Looks like you are trying to refer to the results of the CROSS APPLY but you can't do that, you can only refer to the CURRENT ROW in the X cross apply, not ALL ROWS.
You could do
OUTER apply (
select isComp from dbo.Fn_GetComp(a.id)
) as x
and then
select case when isComp IS NULL
then select '1'
select '0'
end as accntId
but that will only work if dbo.Fn_GetComp() NEVER returns NULL for [isComp]
A CASE must yield a single ("scalar" in tech terms) value;SQL Server uses single quotes for literals, not double; and you must specify END. To match those rules, you can do this:
select case when exists(select * from x where isComp = 'Y')
then '1 ' Else '0' end
From A
Or this:
select case when exists(select * from x where isComp = 'Y')
then (select '1') Else (select '0') end
From A