Can SSMS work as Notepad++?


Can SSMS auto-save (temporarily, not in permanent files) all my open queries and restore them upon restarting similar to what Notepadd++ does on its tabs?


Yes, it can.

How exactly please?

It's part of the Solution pieces of SSMS. Create a new Project (File-> New -> Project). Add your Queries, Connections, etc. Move the windows around, open them up, etc. Close the solution, open it up and it should be in the same configuration as when you closed it. Meaning the windows are in the right locations, open, etc.

Now, the issue of it opening up the last query windows on open of SSMS, you can do that by setting up a shortcut to the solution in Windows so it opens automatically when opening SSMS. It's not difficult, I would recommend reading on the topic.

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You might want to consider using Azure Data Studio instead of using SSMS. In ADS - if you have 5 tabs (queries) opened when you close it, those same 5 tabs will be opened when you launch ADS.

You also have some additional features - that might work better for you.

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Redgate's SQL Prompt utility also saves open tabs in SSMS, but it's a paid product.

It also has a lot more features, and there's a free trial.