Following conversation in another thread I thought I would post the syntax I use for restoring a database in case anyone has any suggestions / comments, or does it differently.
I have a Stored Procedure that I run which basically needs the Database Name (either to overwrite an existing database, or to create a new one) and a Path & Filename for the restore file.
Given those parameters my SProc will "suggest" the syntax for a full RESTORE command. I can then twiddle with the parameters (e.g. Target folder for the restored MDF/LDF files, or Logical Names etc., whether I want TLog files restored too, and so on) and eventually I wind up with the full syntax for a RESTORE which I can then execute.
My SProc does NOT make the Restore, it JUST generates the syntax.
Here's an example of a "session":
First up I type:
EXEC My_SP_Restore
(I usually prefix it with the name of the Admin DB, unless I am "in" that DB of course)
This is what I get:
WARNING Database Name
------------------ -------------
Database not found NULL
-- Execute syntax:
(Version 150822.SQL2012)
Cut and paste the command below to your execute window.
Execute ONLY as many parameters as you have COMPLETED and then
hints will be displayed for subsequent parameters
note that the syntax example does include the admin database name so I can exec it anywhere. This is the sample syntax that the Sproc generates, which I then cut & paste over my original attempt thereby gradually refining it:
exec MyAdminDB.dbo.My_SP_Restore
@DatabaseName='MyDbName' -- Database name, or '?' for a list
, @RestorePath='X:\Path' -- Path to file to be restored
, @RestoreFile='MyFileName.BAK' -- Name of file to restore
I can now copy & paste one of the Actual DB Names from the list of databases, although that is optional (e.g. restoring to create a new database)
The @RestorePath example is the default backup path, but I can obviously change that to any other, non-standard- location.
So now I reissue the command as either:
exec MyAdminDB.dbo.My_SP_Restore
or better still (because it saves an iteration) I also include the filespec to restore from:
exec MyAdminDB.dbo.My_SP_Restore
, @RestorePath='X:\Path'
, @RestoreFile='ActualDBName1*FULL*.BAK'
and this time the example syntax is:
-- Execute syntax:
exec MyAdminDB.dbo.My_SP_Restore
, @RestorePath='X:\Path'
, @RestoreFile='ActualDBName1*FULL*.BAK'
**** Database/Restore Filename Mismatch ****
-- 23/08/2015 04:01 12,618,240 ActualDBName1_20150823_040100_Full.BAK
-- 22/08/2015 15:13 12,533,248 ActualDBName1_20150822_151347_Full.BAK
After the @RestoreFile parameter it lists, in chronological order, all the matching filenames so that I can copy & paste one into the @RestoreFile parameter:
So now I execute this modified version:
exec MyAdminDB.dbo.My_SP_Restore
, @RestorePath='X:\Path'
, @RestoreFile='ActualDBName1_20150823_040100_Full.BAK'
and I get this:
-- Execute syntax:
exec MyAdminDB.dbo.My_SP_Restore
, @RestorePath='X:\Path'
, @RestoreFile='ActualDBName1_20150823_040100_Full.BAK'
-- 23/08/2015 04:01 12,618,240 ActualDBName1_20150823_040100_Full.BAK
-- ***** LOGICAL NAMES *****
-- 'X:\Path\ActualDBName1_20150823_040100_Full.BAK'
-- ActualDBName1_dataType = D,
-- Original filename=E:\MSSQL\Data\ActualDBName1.mdf,
-- File Group=PRIMARY
-- ActualDBName1_logType = L,
-- Original filename=F:\MSSQL\Log\ActualDBName1.ldf,
-- File Group=[No group]
-- 'X:\Path\ActualDBName1_20150823_040100_Full.BAK'
-- User: MyDomain\SQL-Service,
-- ServerName: MyServerName,
-- DatabaseName: ActualDBName1,
-- DB Created: 28 Jun 2015 10:20:29:000,
-- Collation: Latin1_General_CI_AS,
-- BackupName: ActualDBName1( Full Backup ),
-- Description: Full Backup at 23 Aug 2015 04:01:00:600.
and it also adds these parameters (only available once Database Name and File Name are available)
, @MSSQLDataPath='E:\MSSQL\Data' -- Path to SQL data location
, @MSSQLLogPath='F:\MSSQL\Log' -- Path to SQL Log location
, @sLogicalDataName='ActualDBName1_data' -- Logical name of DATA (See below)
, @sLogicalLogName='ActualDBName1_log' -- Logical name of LOG (See below)
-- Comment this IN to add TLog files to the Restore Command:
--, @sTLogFile='ActualDBName1*Trans.bak' -- Filepec for LOG backup files
This is now the final syntax - if I EXEC this there is enough information to generate the RESTORE command, and that will be what I get next.
This shows exactly which file I will be restoring, the headers from the file and so on so that I can check that I have got everything right. I can check original file path / drives that the backup was made from, date/time, collation, all that sort of stuff
There are also a few warnings that can be generated - e.g. if Target Database Name does not match, in some way, the Restore Filename. That has saved me, in the past, when restoring LOTS of files to a new server when I am in a hurry I can mixup the Filename and the Target Database name and restore the wrong thing to the wrong place.
It also sets Logical Names for Data and Log. I have preferred formats for these, so if the Backup file logical names are different the restored database will be changed to my these parameter values. This is particularly important when I restore a database to a different name, and ensures that the Logical Names match the target Database names, and not the Source Database
If I comment IN the @sTLogFile parameter the RESTORE syntax will include commands for all the TLog files found (I will have to delete any that are too early / too late)