BARCODE 128 Encoding

We developed a MS Access which creates invoices and has a Code 128 barcode on it. When an invoice is created it enters a value into a field named Barcode which is the data used by the Code 128 font to create the barcode.

The data stored in the field typically looks like this: -

Í_D#nEÇp È8-Î

The number printed below the bar code for the above is: -


The code used to create the barcode is: -

Public Function M_Create_Code_128(Barcode As String)

'This function is governed by the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL)

'V 2.0.0

'Parameters : a string

'Return : * a string which give the bar code when it is dispayed with CODE128.TTF font

' * an empty string if the supplied parameter is no good

Dim i%, checksum&, mini%, dummy%, tableB As Boolean

M_Create_Code_128 = ""

If Len(Barcode) > 0 Then

'Check for valid characters

For i% = 1 To Len(Barcode)

    Select Case Asc(Mid$(Barcode, i%, 1))

    Case 32 To 126, 203

    Case Else

    i% = 0

    Exit For

  End Select


'Calculation of the code string with optimized use of tables B and C

M_Create_Code_128 = ""

tableB = True

If i% > 0 Then

    i% = 1 'i% devient l'index sur la chaine / i% become the string index

    Do While i% <= Len(Barcode)

        If tableB Then

        'See if interesting to switch to table C

        'yes for 4 digits at start or end, else if 6 digits

        mini% = IIf(i% = 1 Or i% + 3 = Len(Barcode), 4, 6)

        GoSub testnum

        If mini% < 0 Then 'Choice of table C

            If i% = 1 Then 'Starting with table C

                M_Create_Code_128 = Chr$(205)

            Else 'Switch to table C

                M_Create_Code_128 = M_Create_Code_128 & Chr$(199)

            End If

            tableB = False


            If i% = 1 Then M_Create_Code_128 = Chr$(204) 'Starting with table B

        End If

    End If

    If Not tableB Then

      'We are on table C, try to process 2 digits

        mini% = 2

        GoSub testnum

        If mini% < 0 Then 'OK for 2 digits, process it

            dummy% = Val(Mid$(Barcode, i%, 2))

            dummy% = IIf(dummy% < 95, dummy% + 32, dummy% + 100)

            M_Create_Code_128 = M_Create_Code_128 & Chr$(dummy%)

            i% = i% + 2

        Else 'We haven't 2 digits, switch to table B

            M_Create_Code_128 = M_Create_Code_128 & Chr$(200)

            tableB = True

        End If

    End If

    If tableB Then

        'Process 1 digit with table B

        M_Create_Code_128 = M_Create_Code_128 & Mid$(Barcode, i%, 1)

        i% = i% + 1

    End If


'Calculation of the checksum

For i% = 1 To Len(M_Create_Code_128)

    dummy% = Asc(Mid$(M_Create_Code_128, i%, 1))

    dummy% = IIf(dummy% < 127, dummy% - 32, dummy% - 100)

    If i% = 1 Then checksum& = dummy%

        checksum& = (checksum& + (i% - 1) * dummy%) Mod 103


    'Calculation of the checksum ASCII code

    checksum& = IIf(checksum& < 95, checksum& + 32, checksum& + 100)

    'Add the checksum and the STOP

    M_Create_Code_128 = M_Create_Code_128 & Chr$(checksum&) & Chr$(206)

End If

End If

Exit Function


'if the mini% characters from i% are numeric, then mini%=0

mini% = mini% - 1

If i% + mini% <= Len(Barcode) Then

    Do While mini% >= 0

        If Asc(Mid$(Barcode, i% + mini%, 1)) < 48 Or Asc(Mid$(Barcode, i% + mini%, 1)) > 57 Then Exit Do

        mini% = mini% - 1


End If


End Function

We have now created a web app to replace the MS Access version which has an MS SQL backend db and we now require an equivalent to the above function in SQL.

I was forwarded a link from this forum which looked very positive: -

(BARCODE 128 Encoding - SQL Server Forums TOPIC_ID=70901)

Scrolling down to matthosking code dated 2013-07-22 : 01:52:45 in the link, I copied the function: -

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CreateBarcodeCode128

I Entered a @Barcode of 63360378378280000000004 and it produced this: -


If I enter the came barcode into the VB used in the original MS Access db I get this: -

Í_D#nErp È4aÎ

Something is different, but I am not sure what?