Hi All,
Hope you are doing well !..I am trying to understand the average movement in the promise dates from the current promise date (currentprmdate) with respect to the promise dates 7 days ago (prmdate7) , 14 days ago(prmdate14) and then 28 days (prmdate28) ago in terms of days at a plant, segment ,model level...Also I want to find the distinct number of ordernumber at this level of aggregation..
The calculation is average difference in days (currentprmdate -prmdate7)
average difference in days (currentprmdate -prmdate14)
average difference in days (currentprmdate-prmdate28)
over segment ,plant and model
Please find the DDL below:
Input table
create table input
(ordernumber varchar(40),
segment varchar(20),
plant varchar(10),
model varchar(15),
currentprmdate date,
prmdate7 date,
prmdate14 date,
prmdate28 date)
insert into input values
('LM12781','vinots ','Chikoo','HJ781','5/17/2021','5/11/2021','5/15/2021','5/10/2021'),
Output table
create table output
(segment varchar(20),
plant varchar(20),
model varchar(40),
avg7day float,
avg14day float,
avg28day float,
distinctorders int)
insert into output values