Applying tiers from one table onto the aggregate of the other

I have two tables and can't wrap my mind around how to join them. The first has Shipments. Each with a dollar value. The second table has a fee percentage table that applies to the aggregate of the shipments.

In the enclosed example there are 10 shipments totaling $44.45. There are 6 tiers that apply to that aggregate. The total surcharge should be $5.26.

Min		Max		Tier	Fee
0.00	5.00	0.01	0.05
5.01	10.00	0.02	0.2
10.01	20.00	0.04	0.8
20.01	30.00	0.05	1.5
30.01	40.00	0.06	2.4
40.01	50.00	0.07	0.3115

The raw data is below. Is there a decent way to do this with SQL only?

  tracking NVARCHAR(800),
  value DECIMAL(18,2),
  dateadded DATETIME

INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (1, '123456', 8.90, '2017-02-07 14:48:10.486232');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (2, '156789023890', 4.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:49.784686');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (3, '356789045890', 2.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:49.896843');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (4, '556789067890', 2.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:49.964853');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (5, '456567890490', 1.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:50.018834');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (6, '345656789890', 4.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:50.095079');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (7, '456567890890', 3.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:50.149059');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (8, '567567890890', 5.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:50.224858');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (9, '456789567900', 4.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:50.278679');
INSERT INTO Shipment (id, tracking, value, dateadded) VALUES (10, '565678907890', 2.95, '2017-02-07 14:49:50.328999');

CREATE TABLE AccountTier  (
  id INT,
  tierpercentage DECIMAL(18,2),
  minvalue DECIMAL(18,2),
  maxvalue DECIMAL(18,2),
  dateadded DATETIME

INSERT INTO AccountTier  (id, tierpercentage, minvalue, maxvalue, dateadded) VALUES (1, 0.01, 0.00, 5.00, '2017-02-07 14:52:52.599540');
INSERT INTO AccountTier  (id, tierpercentage, minvalue, maxvalue, dateadded) VALUES (2, 0.02, 5.01, 10.00, '2017-02-07 14:52:52.599540');
INSERT INTO AccountTier  (id, tierpercentage, minvalue, maxvalue, dateadded) VALUES (3, 0.04, 10.01, 20.00, '2017-02-07 14:52:52.599540');
INSERT INTO AccountTier  (id, tierpercentage, minvalue, maxvalue, dateadded) VALUES (4, 0.05, 20.01, 30.00, '2017-02-07 14:52:52.599540');
INSERT INTO AccountTier  (id, tierpercentage, minvalue, maxvalue, dateadded) VALUES (5, 0.06, 30.01, 40.00, '2017-02-07 14:52:52.599540');
INSERT INTO AccountTier  (id, tierpercentage, minvalue, maxvalue, dateadded) VALUES (6, 0.07, 40.01, 50.00, '2017-02-07 14:52:52.599540');