Anyone help me to solve this


Can you explaing what the problem is? We can't see your row numbers, so we don't know what is in C10, D4 or D5

Also, is this really a SQL problem?

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Sorry, i'm just using the excel to draw two table to get the result:-

I still have not idea what the problem is

you will need to provide something like the following and why you are selecting two values from cats and only one value from dog and what the relationship is between the two

create table #meow(year int, value1 int, value2 int, value3 int)
insert into #meow
select 2017, 52753,22995,100 union
select 2018, 52754,22996,300 union
select 2018, 52755,22996,200 

create table #woof(year int, value1 int, value2 int, value3 int)
insert into #woof
select 2017, null,22995,300 union
select 2018, null,22996,400 

;with cte
	select year, value2, sum(value3) as sumkitty
	from  #meow d
	where value2 = 22996
	  and year = 2018
	group by year,  value2

select w.year, c.value2,  c.value2 , (w.value3 + c.sumkitty )
 From cte c
 join #woof w on c.value2 = w.value2
 --group by w.year, c.value2

drop table #meow
drop table #woof

I would like to know the total amount from table "cat" & table "dog" from which value ="22996"

which is 300 + 200 + 400 , total = 900

and why is 52754 selected in your final result and not 52755?