I have a ledger of transactions that need to be applied to one another. Inbound transactions (positive Quantity values) occur first & outbound transactions (negative Quantity values) must be applied to the positive ones in first-in, first-out order. This is the enclosed dataset CREATE TABLE #ledger ( id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, Date Date, Produc - Pastebin.com
Probably easiest way that I can think of is to use loop to iterate each inbound transaction and match it with the outbound. For each inbound transaction store the matches in temp table #matches
CREATE TABLE #matches -- Table to hold the matches
Outbound_ID int,
Inbound_ID int,
Match_Qty int
declare @ID int
select @ID = min(ID) from #ledger where Quantity > 0;
-- Iterate through the Inbound (Quantity > 0) line
while @ID is not null
with inbound as
select ID, [Date], ProductID, Qty = Quantity
from #ledger
where ID = @ID
outbound as
select l.ID, l.Date, l.ProductID,
Qty = -(l.Quantity + isnull(m.Match_Qty, 0)),
CumQty = sum(-Quantity) over (partition by ProductID order by ID)
from #ledger l
left join
select Outbound_ID, Match_Qty = sum(Match_Qty)
from #matches
group by Outbound_ID
) m on l.ID = m.Outbound_ID
where l.Quantity + isnull(m.Match_Qty, 0) < 0
insert into #matches (Outbound_ID, Inbound_ID, Match_Qty)
select Outbound_ID = o.ID,
Inbound_ID = i.ID,
Match_Qty = m.Match_Qty
from inbound i
inner join outbound o on i.ProductID = o.ProductID
and i.[Date] <= o.[Date]
cross apply
select Match_Qty = case when i.Qty >= o.CumQty
then o.Qty
when i.Qty > o.CumQty - o.Qty
then i.Qty - (o.CumQty - o.Qty)
else 0
) m
where m.Match_Qty > 0
select @ID = min(ID) from #ledger where Quantity > 0 and ID > @ID
select *
from #matches