I'm having a strange error regarding the query i'm trying to implemente since in Excel i have one value, in this query i have another value
Example in excel getting the row from query i have those values
653,75 *17579 = 11 492 295,86
But in my query i have
This is my query
use AdventureWorks2014;
select pc.Name as Categoria,
DATEPART(YEAR, soh.OrderDate) as ano,
sum(det.OrderQty) as quantidade,
sum(det.UnitPrice) / sum(det.OrderQty) as MediaPrecoUnit,
sum(so.DiscountPct) as descontos,
((sum(det.OrderQty) * sum(det.UnitPrice)) - sum(so.DiscountPct)) as total,
sum(soh.Freight) as transporte,
sum(det.LineTotal) as vendas
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader as soh
inner join Sales.SalesOrderDetail as det
on soh.SalesOrderID = det.SalesOrderID
inner join Production.Product as p
on det.ProductID = p.ProductID
inner join Production.ProductSubcategory as ps
on p.ProductSubcategoryID = ps.ProductSubcategoryID
inner join Production.ProductCategory as pc
on ps.ProductCategoryID = pc.ProductCategoryID
inner join Sales.SpecialOfferProduct as sop
on p.ProductID = sop.ProductID
inner join Sales.SpecialOffer as so
on sop.SpecialOfferID = so.SpecialOfferID
group by
DATEPART(YEAR, soh.OrderDate),pc.Name
order by DATEPART(YEAR, soh.OrderDate),pc.Name ;
And the result are
All the value from total, transporte e vendas seems wrong to me but i don't know why..
any help?