I have a database full of DVD movies that I own. The fields in this database are Title, Plot, Cast, Genre, Book, Page, & Slot. The Book, Page & Slot fields show me where the DVD’s are stored. I am trying to build a process that will list movies to a DataGrid based on any combination of 4 criteria (Title, Cast, Genre, and Rating). The user can use any part of the data in the first 3 fields(ie for Title they could enter only “Lone” and the search function will find any and all movies with “Lone” in the title) The rating field is limited to one of a selection of movie ratings.(NR, G, PG, PG-13, R, X)
I have no problem building a search string with the exception of adding the Row Number of the record in the original dataset. I’ve tried
srchString = "SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Title),Title, Plot, Cast, Rated, Genre,
Book, Page, Slot FROM DVD_List WHERE "
But I get an error:
Additional information: The expression contains undefined function call ROW_NUMBER().
This was the only function Icoul find to give me a Row Number.
The second part is, the filter to use to get this all in a DataGridView, eerythinI have read says that the Filter command will list AL columns in the database and cannot be limited to just a select few. Any ideas on overcoming this?
I don't see anything wrong with the ROW_NUMBER function the way you are using it. If you are on SQL Server 2005 or later, it should work. What version are you using?
Regarding the datagridview, if you bind to a table, you will get all columns, but you use a query, you can select which columns to select in the query.
Btw, the "cast" data/column needs to go into a separate table, since it will be multiple values, and you could have additional data that applies only to that particular cast member and not to the entire movie.
JamesK; I am using SQL Server Express 2014 and VB 2015 Community Below is the code for the search Class
Public Class sqlForm
Dim srchDataSet = New MovieDevelope_3._D__DATA_FILES_DVD_LIST_MDFDataSet()
Dim srchDataView = New DataView(srchDataSet.Tables("DVD_List"))
Dim DVD_ListTableAdapter = New _D__DATA_FILES_DVD_LIST_MDFDataSetTableAdapters.DVD_ListTableAdapter()
Dim srchDataAdapter = New DVD_ListTableAdapter()
Dim srchString As String = ""
Dim frmDialog As New frmSearch
Private Sub sqlForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
If frmDialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.Cancel Then
'if user pressed cancel get out
srchString = ""
DevelopeForm.again = False
'Clean it up
frmSearch = Nothing
Exit Sub
'If the user pressed OK then start search sequence
ElseIf DialogResult.OK Then
''If there is no entries, ask for retry
If frmSearch.tbTitle = "" And frmSearch.tbCast = "" _
And frmSearch.tbRate = "" And frmSearch.tbGenre = "" Then
srchString = ""
If MessageBox.Show("No Data Entered!" & vbCrLf & vbLf &
" Try Again?", "UH-OH", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.No Then
DevelopeForm.again = False
End If
' 'Clean it up
frmSearch = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
' 'Add the SELECT command and
' 'select the fields to show in the GridView
srchString = "ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Title),Title, Plot, Cast, Rated, Genre, Book," &
" Page, Slot FROM DVD_List WHERE "
''If the user enters Title information
If frmSearch.tbTitle <> "" Then
srchString = srchString & "Title Like '%" & frmSearch.tbTitle & "%'"
End If
' 'If the user enters Cast Information
If frmSearch.tbCast <> "" Then
If frmSearch.tbTitle <> "" Then
srchString = srchString & " AND "
End If
srchString = srchString & "Cast LIKE '%" & frmSearch.tbCast & "%'"
End If
''If the user enters a Rating
If frmSearch.tbRate <> "" Then
If frmSearch.tbTitle <> "" Or frmSearch.tbCast <> "" Then
srchString = srchString & "AND "
End If
srchString = srchString & "Rated =" & "'" & frmSearch.tbRate & "'"
End If
' 'If the user enters a Genre
If frmSearch.tbGenre <> "" Then
If frmSearch.tbTitle <> "" Or frmSearch.tbCast <> "" _
Or frmSearch.tbRate <> "" Then
srchString = srchString & "AND "
End If
srchString = srchString & "Genre LIKE '%" & frmSearch.tbGenre & "%'"
End If
End If
''fill the dataview object with data
srchDataView.RowFilter = srchString
' 'if there isn't anything there. ask the user to
'try again or Close up shop
If srchDataSet.Tables("DVD_List").Rows.Count <= 0 Then
' ' If search came up empty, alert user.
If MessageBox.Show("No Records Found with that Criteria." & vbCrLf &
vbLf & " Try Again?", "UH-OH", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.No Then
DevelopeForm.again = False
End If
' 'clean up
srchString = ""
srchDataAdapter = Nothing
frmSearch = Nothing
End If
' 'Set the DataGridView properties to bind it to our data
grdvwDVD_List.AutoGenerateColumns = True
grdvwDVD_List.DataSource = srchDataSet
grdvwDVD_List.DataMember = "DVD_List"
grdvwDVD_List.RowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.PowderBlue
grdvwDVD_List.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue
' 'set column names and sizes
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(0).HeaderText = "Row"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(0).Width = 40
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Title"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(1).Width = 200
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Plot"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(2).Width = 220
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(3).HeaderText = "Cast"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(3).Width = 220
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(4).HeaderText = "Rated"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(4).Width = 45
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(5).HeaderText = "Bk"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(5).Width = 30
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(6).HeaderText = "Pg"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(6).Width = 35
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(7).HeaderText = "Sl"
grdvwDVD_List.Columns(7).Width = 30
' ' clean up
srchString = ""
srchDataAdapter = Nothing
frmSearch = Nothing
End Sub
Yes, which is why cast data should be separated into a different table, 100%, no doubt about it. Otherwise:
(1) It violates first normal form.
(2) You can't add data about just that specific cast member, such as "character name".
(3) You can't distinguish between actors/etc. with the same name.
For example:
Movies Table:
( movie_id=1, title='The Sting', ...)
The Cast field is for movie specific purpose only, I have no intention of including personal information about the cast members therefore do not need to create a separate table for such..if I want to find all movies that a particular actor was in, I just enter the name and search for it and it will give me all movies in my collection with that name in it.That is if the user types in "Robert Redford", all my movies with Robert Redford in them will be listed, Further if the user cannot remember the entire name of the actor then they just need to enter a part of the name like "robert" and the search function will find all movies with an actor with robert in their name.As you noticed I portrayed the name in all lower case, the search function is not case sensitive.
Actually you need a separate table to replace any list of values in a single column. A single column is supposed to be a single value, never a list. Good luck with this. You'll regret the decision to use a list at some point.