Adding Custom Marker to a Chart Data Series

I have a chart on a report that none of the current Marker Types (i.e. square, circle, stars etc.) have what I want to use for the Marker Type. So, from the info on the web, it looks like you can add a custom marker type for your data series? Basically you can add an image? and then use that image for your marker type?

However, none of the internet stuff I saw showed exactly how to do this which means either I read it wrong that you could, in fact, add a custom marker type or there is scant info on how to do this and do it properly.

Any suggestions? Note, i tried 'adding an image' to my report in the menu option 'Images', but then there doesn't seem to be a way to make that image available to the Marker Type drop down selections. I tried looking at the properties sheet (F4) of the data series i wanted to change and there is some info under Marker-->Image that seems like it allows the addition of an external image per the MIMEType field, but there doesn't seem to be a place where you can select that image..

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
