Add total at the bottom of a view data

i have created a view whose data is something like following:

Mismatch Field name Count Duplicates Repeats
City 30 0 0
Name 54 2 1
Amount 917 16 2
Date 516 4 1

I need to display the total at bottom of this data. This means i need to have an extra row inserted and the data should be shown as follows:

Mismatch Field name Count Duplicates Repeats
City 30 0 0
Name 54 2 1
Amount 917 16 2
Date 516 4 1
Total 1517 22 4

Please help me with it, how shall i proceed.

Not sure this is what you're looking for but SQL Server has WITH ROLLUP that gives you group totals.

For better and more help responses post create table script with inserts.

Thanks But i am looking for something which can sum up vertically, corresponding to the data in sql rows.

Do a union query.

Help us help you in the future. Take the time to make some readily consumable data for your posts. Like this...

 CREATE TABLE #PretendView
         [Mismatch Field Name] VARCHAR(10)
        ,[Count]    INT
        ,Duplicates INT
        ,Repeats    INT
 INSERT INTO #PretendView
        ([Mismatch Field Name], [Count], Duplicates, Repeats)
 VALUES  ('City'  , 30, 0,0)
        ,('Name'  , 54, 2,1)
        ,('Date'  ,516, 4,1)

Using that data, the following will do what you wish even if the MMFN column has a NULL in it.

 SELECT [Mismatch Field Name] = CASE 
                                WHEN GROUPING([Mismatch Field Name]) = 0 
                                THEN [Mismatch Field Name] 
                                ELSE 'Total' 
        ,[Count]    = SUM([Count])
        ,Duplicates = SUM(Duplicates)
        ,Repeats    = SUM(Repeats)
   FROM #PretendView
  GROUP BY [Mismatch Field Name] WITH ROLLUP
 ORDER BY GROUPING([Mismatch Field Name]), [Mismatch Field Name]

That produces the following...

Mismatch Field Name Count       Duplicates  Repeats
------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Amount              917         16          2
City                30          0           0
Date                516         4           1
Name                54          2           1
Total               1517        22          4

(5 row(s) affected)

Please see the following article for more information on the power of GROUP BY and all the crazy groupings you can get out of it.