Add row and last found value if row is missing

I would really, really appreciate if somebody could help me to solve this by posting a complete query, I am soo stuck...

I have a table "Mydb.MyTable" with fields like (Swedish date format):

MyDate      MyPartNo     MyValue
2017-10-01     A01         10
2017-10-02     A01         -3
2017-10-05     A01          6
2017-10-01     BX4         12
2017-10-06     BX4         -2

What I want to achieve is a table with all dates from the first to the last date. For each date that is "missing" for a part, I want to use the last known value. So I would like the result of the above table to look like this:

MyDate      MyPartNo     MyValue
2017-10-01     A01         10
2017-10-02     A01         -3
2017-10-03     A01         -3
2017-10-04     A01         -3
2017-10-05     A01          6
2017-10-01     BX4         12
2017-10-02     BX4         12
2017-10-03     BX4         12
2017-10-04     BX4         12
2017-10-05     BX4         12
2017-10-06     BX4         -2

The query doesn't need to find the first and last dates.

If it helps, I also have a table for dates "Mydb.CALENDAR".

Post create table script with inserts please.

I can’t, I’m creating a report from a database which I cannot manipulate.

No ideas, anyone?

Try this:

declare @mindate date;
declare @maxdate date;

select @mindate=min(mydate)
  from mydb.mytable

with cte(dt)
  as (select top(datediff(day,@mindate,@maxdate)+1)
             dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select null))-1,@mindate)
        from             (values(104),(116),(116),(112),( 58),( 47),( 47),(102),(111),(114),(117)) as tally1(n)
             cross apply (values(109),(115),( 46),(115),(113),(108),(116),(101),( 97),(109),( 46)) as tally2(n)
             cross apply (values( 99),(111),(109),( 47),(116),( 47),( 49),( 49),( 53),( 57),( 49)) as tally3(n)
select a.dt as mydate
  from (select a.dt
              ,max(b.mydate) as mydate
          from cte as a
               left outer join mydb.mytable as b
                            on b.mydate<=a.dt
         group by a.dt
        ) as a
        inner join mydb.mytable as b
                on b.mydate=a.mydate