I have the following union view.
SELECT TrnYear, TrnMonth, Journal, DistrValue, ExpenseGlCode, Reference
FROM dbo.T1
SELECT CbTrnYear, CbTrnMonth, Journal, TrnValue, GlCode, Notation
FROM dbo.T2
SELECT GlYear, GlPeriod, Journal, EntryValue, GlCode, Reference
FROM dbo.T3
How do I add new column to table T1 and T2 and T3 called Source
Source would have following records AP for Table T1, CSHB for table T2 and GL for T3
So My Union will read
TrnYear, TrnMonth, Journal, DistrValue, ExpenseGlCode, Reference, Source
2015 10 1 50.15 1011000 TEST GL
2015 10 1 40.50 1011000 TEST1 CSHB
2015 10 1 10.00 1011000 TEST2 AP