What's wrong with this SQL?

; with cte as
    select     h.[terminal], h.[date], rd_tamount, t.rd_type, t.rd_code,
               rn = row_number() over (partition by h.[terminal], h.[date], t.rd_type, t.rd_code order by rd_ttrans desc)
    from       [dbo].[REGHIST] h
    inner join [dbo].[REGDTAIL2] t    on    h.[terminal]    = t.[terminal]
                                     and    h.date          = t.rd_date
    where      h.[date]    between '2015-12-12' and '2015-12-13'
select    *
from    cte
where    rn    = 1
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Thanks Khtan
got the result from your advice :slight_smile: