Using file system task to check if file exists

Hi @mike01

I'm not in work till Monday now but will send you an email. I was still getting the script file activating the pass even though the file was not present, so it should have triggered a fail.I got so used to VB I just keep using it, everyone seem to use c#, I see the similarity with vb, can use it but would be a lot slower to build things.



I now have this section of the package working, It seems the main issue was the file.exists bit where I was using the file name only variable, but you have to use the complete path.

I had some extra SQL tasks to add on the success section of the precedent constraint. It now works when a file is there and fires the fail section if the file is not there, so all good.

@mike01 I couldn't open you're package on my home pc as I don't have the application, and am not able to send it into my work due to security issues with file attachments, forgot about that, but thanks for sending that too me.
