The screen shots are helpful, but they appear to be MySQL ... so as you have MSSQL on your system then you need to find different tools to access it - because the PHP Admin you are using is connecting to MySQL instead.
Maybe PHP Admin CAN?? connect to MSSQL instead (I don't know the answer) but I suggest you try to find what the correct Admin Tool is for connection to MSSQL on your server.
Normally we use Microsoft's "SQL Server Management Studio" (known as "SSMS"). Maybe you can download and install that on your PC - and then "connect" it to your MSSQL server
it try that PWDENCRYPT ( 'password' ) but it say
Failed to execute query. Error: The definition for column 'PWDENCRYPT' must include a data type.
did you read that document?
Vi kan ikke holde din hÄnd, du skal gÞre noget af arbejdet for
i try this
pwdencrypt(@password) VARCHAR (16) NULL
pwdencrypt( [password] ) VARCHAR (16) NULL
@pwdencrypt([password]) VARCHAR (16) NULL
@pwdencrypt([password]) varbinary(128) NULL
) varbinary(128) NULL
pwdencrypt( [password] ) varbinary(128) NULL
pwdencrypt(@password) varbinary(128) NULL
no is working all get error
did you read that document?
pwdencrypt is a function. and functions return a value. what does pwdencrypt function return?
aaah i figer it out.. im missing CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[user]
but it is missin in the sql .so now i haf to figer out how ti build it hmmmmm
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
this is the table in the sql
CREATE table [dbo].[User] (
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[name] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL,
[nick] [varchar] (25) NULL,
[password] [varchar] (50) NULL,
[email] [varchar] (50) NULL,
[birthday] [datetime] NULL,
[gender] [char] (1)NULL,
[indication_user_bonus]numeric NULL,
[active] [bit]NULL,
[log_type] tinyint
try to do this
insert into [User] values ('LuckPrize Admin', 'luckadmin', PWDENCRYPT('luckadmin'), '', '2010-01-01', 'M', 'j0434874.png', null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9999, 0, 0, GETDATE(), null, 1, 1)
Update [User] set credits=0, bonus=0, prize=0 where id = (select top 1 [id] from [User] where nick='luckadmin')
-- Bancos
insert into [BankAccount] values ((select top 1 [id] from [User] where nick='luckadmin'), 'BRADESCO', '12345-6', '987654-3', '', '123.456.789-99', 0)
insert into [BankAccount] values ((select top 1 [id] from [User] where nick='luckadmin'), 'BANCO DO BRASIL', '12345-6', '987654-3', '', '123.456.789-99', 0)
insert into [BankAccount] values ((select top 1 [id] from [User] where nick='luckadmin'), 'CAIXA ECONĂMICA', '12345-6', '987654-3', '', '123.456.789-99', 0)
-- Faixas de BĂŽnus (bĂŽnus de compras)
insert into [BonusRangesOnBuy] values (250, 2.5)
insert into [BonusRangesOnBuy] values (500, 5.0)
insert into [BonusRangesOnBuy] values (1000, 10.0)
insert into [BonusRangesOnBuy] values (1000000, 10.0)
-- Como encontrou o site
insert into [st_HowFound] values (1, 'Indicação')
insert into [st_HowFound] values (2, 'Ferramenta de Busca')
insert into [st_HowFound] values (3, 'AnĂșncio')
insert into [st_HowFound] values (4, 'Outros')
-- ConfiguraçÔes
insert into [MiscConfigurations] values (0, 20, 0, 5, 20.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 50.00, 10.00, 50, 500.00, 10.00, 50.00, 30.00, 20.00, 1.00, 3.00, 50.00, 500.00, 10.00, 1.00, 10.00, 50.00, 500.00, 10.00, 1.00, 10.00)
please create a new post?